
© Wojciech Nowak SJ The method of the Jesus Prayer consists of three elements: adopting the right body posture focusing on the breath (following it) uttering the word – the name of Jesus or a prayer formula to the rhythm of the breath In the introduction, to better understand the prayer, we will take it down to ‘pieces’ and then will put it back again. We will discuss each of the three elements, look at them carefully and experience each one individually. THE FIRST ELEMENT of the Jesus Prayer is the right posture.  We must remember that the entire man prays. And man means body...

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7 trin

© Wojciech Nowak SJ Introduction To the Practice of Meditation – 7 STEPS 1. The Great Discovery 2. Breath 3. God (?) 4. Surrender – Entrustment 5. Acceptance 6. Word 7. Here and now ------------------------------------------ Step One – THE GREAT DISCOVERY Sit comfortably, but not lazily. Calm down and get into contact with yourself. It may help you to focus on your breathing, your heartbeat or sensations coming from your body - e.g. feeling the warmth of the inside of the hand or sensations coming from the surface of the skin of your face/hands. Feel alive. Be aware that you are alive....

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Fader Serapfin undervisning

Meditation med fader Serafin  (7 lektioner) af fader Mirosław Bereza, benediktiner INTRODUKTION For første gang læste jeg om meditationsteknikken af fader Serafin af Athos i benediktiner klosteret i Montreal. Dette kloster blev grundlagt af fader John Main OSB sammen med fader Laurence Freeman OSB. Formålet var at meditere og undervise i kristen meditation. Det var en tekst på to sider, en fortælling om en filosofi studerende fra Paris, som var ankommet til Athos bjerget, for at lære hjertes bøn af den østlige kirkes munke. Teksten gjorde et uforglemmeligt indtryk på mig, og jeg...

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Praktiske forslag

Thoughts The main problem at the beginning of the prayer in silence is what is happening in our head that has nothing to do with the prayer. In the professional jargon we speak about distractions. This is the stage during we find it difficult to say anything to God, rationally explain His mysteries or meditate biblical scenes. It is even difficult to pray the Rosary. We have experienced the presence of living God and we desire it. Because we have experienced it we decide to devote our time to Him in silence, to remain in front of Him waiting for His presence to overwhelm us again. We desire...

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